Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Th121 Final Exam - Ateneo

Day: 15 October (Thursday)
Time: 7:30 am – 9:00 am
Place: K202
1. Top Benedicto
2. Ryan Ralph B. Sibbaluca
3. Santhiel Chua
4. Alexis Avilla
5. Jaime Tropezado
6. Claudia Vega
7. Karlo Edesson P. Abril
8. Danitza Marie C. Laurente
9. Reshan Baoas
10. Mikhail G. Tendero
11. jude Salinas
12. Jong, Jun Young K.
13. Jade

contact: rrandy33@yahoo.com

Monday, October 5, 2009

Further Question

What are other possible areas that could be included to raise my final grade?
Fr. Randy: One area still to be taken into consideration is active participation in class discussion which include giving good answers during recitations and asking intelligent questions.

Questions/ Clarifications on the Requirements

1) On the project, due tomorrow (Oct 6), is it risk-free? (Meaning, if our project lowers our standing, will it be discarded?) If it isn't, can some members opt not to join in the group effort so as not to take the risk?
Fr. Randy: This is a group work and you will receive a group grade (so not "risk-free"). Hence, if you do your project paper well you can even help your classmates raise their marks.

2) But I was quarantined during June 30. I approached you as soon as I returned to class, and you told me that that quiz would be discarded. Can this also be removed?
Fr. Randy. No. The removal of lowest mark includes the quarantine day. That's precisely the reason why I introduced removal of lowest grade--just in case you are sick or for emergency case (i.e., quarantine).

3) Good day, Sir. My current class standing is 86.9 which is 0.1 shy of becoming B+. Will you round of small differences like this?
Fr. Randy: Yes to be rounded- from 0.5 to .09 will be rounded to 1.0 in the final grade.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

CORRECTED Class Standing for Theology 121 Sections J, K, L

Class Standing
Section J
Section K
Section L
1. Your Pre-final grade (Class Standing) can be your Final Grade (c/o VP Memo).
2. Our LT will NOT push through tomorrow (interpreting VP Memo).
3. Group Project is optional. Deadline of submission is on Tuesday (Oct 6).
4. Final Exam is optional (c/o VP Memo) but will be on October 15 (Thursday class period).
Given above:
Hence: CS (80%) + Group Project (20%) = Final Grade
or : CS (60%) + Group Project (20%) + Final Exam (20%) = Final Grade
or: CS (60%) + Final Exam (40%) = Final Grade
Coverage of the optional Final Exam: Chapters 1, 2, and 3.
Please indicate, via email, ahead of time if you're taking the final exam. Deadline is on Oct 8. My address: rrandy33@yahoo.com. No prior email notice means no final exam option.

Thank you.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

October 6 we will resume our Theo 121 - LT and submission of group survey assignment in Christology

Classes are still suspended. Your LT will be reset to October 6. It's also the submission day of the Christology group survey. Please submit the address or URL of your site (blog, webpage) to my email: rrandy33@yahoo.com

Ateneo's Task Force Ondoy is still in need of volunteers, please sign up and see you there. For more info here.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Tuesday Sept 29 - No Classes; LT Postponed to Thursday

To all my Ateneo Th121 students - classes are suspended till Tuesday. Our LT will be moved to Thursday. Let's do what we can to help those in need - we are men and women for others, and our theology is above all doing theology.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Chapter 3: Introduction to the New Testament

Chapter 3: Jesus of Nazareth
A. Introduction
B. Literature of the New Testament (Gospels and Mark)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Long Test no. 2 - The Sacred Scripture

Date: 29 September 2009 (Thursday)
Format: Written - objective and essay types.
Duration: 45 minutes
Chapter 2: The Sacred Scripture
A. The Bible as Literature
1. Why read the Bible as Literature? (optional reading: click here).
2. Biblical Manuscripts and Texts:Powerpoint presentation: click here
3. The Books of the Bible and How their Arrangement:
Part 1: Old Testament click here
Part 2: New Testament click here
B. The Historical CONTEXT of the Bible (click here for the article)
Powerpoint 1: Mesopotamia to Persia click here
Powerpoint 2: The Greco-Roman World click here
C. The Bible as the Word of God
a. The Polyvalent "Word of God" click here
b. The Purpose of the Bible
-Required reading (article) click here
-Powerpoint presentation click here
c. Divine Inspiration click here
d. The Canons of the Bible
-Powerpoint presentation click here
-Canonization of the Old and New Testamen click here

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Purpose of the Bible

For Ateneo students Th 121: This is file no. 14 and Required reading no. 7 - Eugene H. Maly, "The Purpose of the Bible". Click on the attachment please.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Group Assignment - Theology 121

Title: Who Do Filipinos Say that Jesus Is?
Method: Survey
Explanation: The class is divided into groups (see your group below). Interview 10 persons belonging to the sector of society assigned to your group (e.g. Balut Vendors). Use the interview format and the questionnaire found at the end (appendix) of the book of Fr. Benigno Beltran, SVD, The Christology of the Inarticulate (Manila: Divine Word Publications, 1987 on Reserve at Rizal), pp. 279-284 use only the section D. "Respondents Perception of Christ".

1. Submit a written narrative account of your GROUP experience which means describe the experience in an essay (5 pages, in double space not making any judgment or any "moralizing" of the situation; avoid the words, "should", "must," and the like.

2. Tabulate your findings. How many said this and that? How many percentage of female respondents answer this way? Male respondents? I recommend that you create a table of your findings. Here you can apply your knowledge of statistics.

3. Write in full sentences a short analysis of the findings of your group as reflected in that table and in answer to the main question: Who do ["balut vendors"] say that Jesus is? Maximum is 2 pages in double space.

4. Post your group findings to a website or blog (blogspot, multiply, wordpress, etc.).

5. Create a powerpoint presentation of your report (in cd format for me).

Instructions for the Format of the Paper:
1. In double space, Times New Roman 12; 8.5/11 paper; margin:1 inch on all sides.
2. White in clear, standard paper; use black, clear ink.
3. If pictures are used, place them at the end as appendix and will not be counted from the maximum number of pages. The table should also be in the appendix.
4. Deadline: October 1, 2009 Thursday Class period.



Monday, August 31, 2009

Transmutation Table - 50-point Long Test

Transmutation Table - 50-point Long Test, click here.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Guide Questions for the Reading, "The Historical Context of the Bible"

As you read the article on the "Historical Context of the Bible" (file no. 12), the following questions can serve as a guide - click here.

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Historical Context of the Bible

The Historical Context of the Bible [-- Click on the link please.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Points for Long Test 1

Click here

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Chapter 1: The Fundamentals of Christian Theology

Chapter 1, part 1
Chapter 2,. part 2 - Revelation
Chapter 3, part 3 - Faith

Christian Faith

For Theology 121 Ateneo Students: This article is a must-reading for the long test. Some questions will be drawn from it. I did explain already some of the things here. Reading and mastering the article enhance what was presented in class. Click here. Click also on the hyperlinks to get more information from the internet.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Essay on Filipino Theology

Th121 Fr. Randy's Readings no. 3. Click here.

Assignment no. 2 on Mission Theology

List at least three missionary congregations today - female or male. Chose one of them to make a write-up about the group--When was it founded? Who is the founder? How many of them? What is their "mission"? Where are they working as missionaries?

Maximum of 2 pages in double space
Page size: Letter size
Font: Times New Roman 12 (BLACK INK!!!)
Margin: 1 inch margin all around the page Don’t justify!!!
Due: Thursday 9 July 2009.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Mass of the Holy Spirit

The Mass of the Holy Spirit at the beginning of every school year is a tradition of the Society of Jesus that began back to the first Jesuit school in Messina, Sicily (Italy) in 1548.

I'm encouraging concerned students of my Th121 class sections J-K-L to attend at 9:00 am on Tuesday, June 30, 2009 --Gesu Church.

For Section K (9:00 - 10:30): We will not have class but submit your assignments to the beadle. The scheduled quiz is moved to Thursday.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Quiz June 23, 2009

*1/2 sheet of white pad paper/ crosswise
*Write your family name first followed by your nickname and your section letter--
e.g. Flores, Randy Th121L
*Duration: 5 minutes
*Coverage: Lectures 18 June 2009
* Grading System 0=50; 1=60; 2=70; 3=80; 4=90; 5=100. No Quiz = 0

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Assigned Reading 1: McGrath, "Getting Started: Preliminaries"

Please click here or on the title above.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Peanuts Theology - Th 121 Thursday 18 June 2009

Try to figure out what this "theological" conversation means to you. We'll talk about this tomorrow.

Nutrimentum Spiritus - "Food for the Spirit"

"Thanks to Ateneo, I learned:
That I'll start college wondering why the heck I take up philosophy and theology,
and graduate realizing I wouldn't be the same without them."
-From: Sandra Jean V. Chua
BS Computer Science 2003
Sunday Inquirer Magazine
June 14, 2009

"Theology is an integral part of the Filipino Catholic Jesuit Education...."
-From the opening line of the New Theology Core Curriculum

"Non scholae, sed vitae discimus."
["We study, not for school, but for life."]
From Seneca, Letter to Lucillus

Syllabus Th121

Syllabus of the course (including the course requirements and expectations) is now available. Sign in our common multiply account; then click here or on the title above, or on the inbox of the multiply.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Welcome Sections J. K. L.

standby for further posts